Sunday, May 31, 2009
It has been almost a week i have to sleep too tired, exhausted...finally printed out my presentation board on per schedule..i know the way i did my work is ridiculous..i don't like to follow 100% of the brief given!
Everyone saying that architecture route is tuff! you have to work till late night or maybe you can't slee for 3 nights..n bla bla bla...What is the point? Is this the life of an architect? I doubt..
How can you come out with a good design when your brain is drained?
I have been almost four year as an architcture student..tiring..but I still make sure that I have enough sleep..I hate doing stuff at last minute! Im enjoying my architecture life..touring around, looking for fabulous architecture in different country..taking nice photo, or sketching! I love the most...
These are my sketches. I sketched them this evening..It doesn't look fantastic..this is the first time i use pastel..hopefully can produce more in these few days!
Labels: architecture, holiday
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Labels: Tasmania
Labels: Tasmania