Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Labels: wedding
Thursday, September 9, 2010
finally...almost there...i got know what is the most important thing during the wedding preparation??
It's CASH money no proceeding...
what you can't do when you have no money during the wedding preparation?
1. no booking for the restaurant / fine dining for your wedding dinner
2. no booking for catering
3. no pre wedding photo shooting
4. no wedding card invitation can be made
5. no buying for wedding stuff
6. no flowers and decoration can be made
7. no videographer, no photographer
8. no manicure, pedicure, spa, and dadada...
9. no nice bedsheet, bed spread and furniture
10. no refurbishment for your room or house
n basically, NOTHING can be done without money...
Who are your big FAN in your wedding planning?
1. father mother and sister
2. friends
FRIENDS are important throughout this process...becoz they look pretty excited for the wedding and some seems like she is getting married rather than, they are playing important ROLE...
Who is the BIGGEST investor?
of course MY HUSBAND...
When is my most enjoyable time during the planning?
1. The time when we take pre wedding photos!!!
2. The time where i go shop for wedding stuff, fashion, accessories....
Labels: wedding
有個男人已經超厭煩他每天都要去公司上班,但他老婆卻可以成天待在家裡於是,他向上帝禱告說:「親愛的主,我每天上班投入八個鐘頭的時間,但我的老婆只待在家裡,閒閒没事做,我希望讓她知道我過的是怎麼樣的日子,所以請讓我們的身體交換! 」上帝以祂無比的智慧,成就了這個男人的願望,隔天,這男人一起床就成了個女人.他一起床,就開始為他的伴侶作早點,再三去叫醒那些賴床的孩子們,在回家路上,還要去洗衣店收送衣服,還要到銀行存錢,到菜市場買菜,然後回家把菜放一邊,還要仔細記帳.記完帳之後,他清了貓的砂盒,後來還替狗洗澡...然後時間已經下午一點鐘了,他趕快把棉被折好,洗衣服,擦地板…餵完貓狗,他衝到學校去接小孩,然後還得和那些越來越沒大沒小的孩子們一路上大小聲,回家之後,他幫孩子準備點心和牛奶,讓孩子乖乖地寫功課,然後他把燙馬擺好,一邊燙衣服一邊看肥皂劇重播,下午四點半,他開始削馬鈴薯,洗菜作沙拉烤肉餅,為晚餐做準備.晚餐後,那個死不要臉的老婆,剛下班一吃完飯,然坐在客廳看起足球賽來!他則忙著整理廚房洗碗,把收好的衣服摺好,哄小孩睡覺,晚上九點,他已經累壞了,但是又擔心白天的雜務還很多沒作完................. 不管了,他終於衝上床想休息了,但是這時那個閒得發慌的老婆, 竟然還興致勃勃提議要「嘿咻嘿咻」,他心不甘情不願,但還是努力裝得很愉快,設法不要抱怨,隔天他一起床, 立刻靠著床邊跪下來,流淚跟上帝說:「主啊! 我不知道我之前在想什麼,現在我知道我實在錯得離譜,竟錯到去妒嫉我老婆整天在家求求您,讓我們換回來吧! 」主以祂無比的智慧,回答他: 「孩子,我很高興知道你已學到了智慧,而且,我也很願意把你們兩人換回來,但....你還要等二百七十九天,因為...「昨天晚上, 你懷孕了!」